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The Witches Hollow

Vervain (Enchanter's plant)

Vervain (Enchanter's plant)

Regular price £3.39
Regular price Sale price £3.39
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Also Called: Verveine, Verbena, Brittanica, Enchanter's Plant, Enchanter's Herb, Herba Sacra, Juno's Tears, Holy Wort, Lemon Verbena, Van-Van, Herb of Grace, Herb of the Cross, Pigeon's Grass, Pigeonwood, Simpler's Joy
Protection, purification, money, youth, peace, healing, and sleep. Bury in the yard or keep in the home to encourage wealth, protect from lightning & storms, and bring peace. Put under the pillow to prevent nightmares. Use as an incense to end unrequited love. Use in prosperity spells. Carry to bring creativity. Use in cleansing baths and rituals before working magick. Use in amulets, sachets, dream pillows, and baths for all-purpose protection of homes and people (especially children).
Disclaimer: For legal reasons we must state that this product is NOT for ingestion. Always research herbs before use and do not use in place of medical advice. Do not handle if pregnant/breastfeeding or have any allergies.

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