Collection: Pendulums

Prices from just £9.99! Shop Now and discover the ancient art of dowsing with our exquisite crystal pendulums collection. Crafted and imbued with natural energy, our gemstone pendulums and pendulum boards offer a powerful tool for divination and spiritual exploration. Explore a variety of gemstone pendulums and divination boards tailored to suit your unique journey.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are pendulums used for?

Pendulums are used for divination, energy healing, and spiritual guidance. In divination, pendulums can help answer questions or provide insights by responding to the user's subconscious mind or spiritual energies.

They are also used in energy healing practices to detect and balance energy imbalances in the body's chakras or energy fields.

Additionally, pendulums are employed in dowsing, a practice used to locate objects, water, or energy lines beneath the Earth's surface.

Whether used for seeking answers, energy work, or dowsing, pendulums serve as powerful tools for accessing intuition and enhancing spiritual practices.

What does a pendulum show you?

A pendulum is a multifunctional tool utilized for divination, energy assessment, and spiritual guidance.

Through divination, it aids in accessing intuitive insights by tapping into subconscious thoughts or spiritual energies.

In energy healing practices, pendulums are employed to identify and rectify energy imbalances within the body's chakras or energy fields.

Which way does a crystal pendulum swing for yes?

The direction in which a crystal pendulum swings for a 'yes' response can vary depending on individual interpretation and energy dynamics.

However, many practitioners believe that a clockwise or forward motion indicates a positive or affirmative answer, commonly associated with a 'yes' response. This movement is thought to reflect the alignment of the pendulum's energy with the user's intentions or the energetic vibrations of the environment.

While interpretations may differ, understanding the unique cues and patterns of a crystal pendulum's movements can enhance its effectiveness as a tool for divination and intuitive guidance

Does a pendulum predict the future?

While pendulums are powerful tools for gaining insights and guidance, they do not predict the future with certainty.

Instead, pendulums are used for divination, which involves tapping into intuition and subconscious energies to explore possibilities and potential outcomes.

Through focused questioning and interpretation of the pendulum's movements, users may receive insights, guidance, or clarity about present circumstances and potential future paths. It's essential to approach pendulum work with an open mind and understanding that the future is influenced by various factors, including free will and external circumstances.

Pendulums can be valuable aids for decision-making, self-reflection, and exploring potential outcomes, but they do not provide definitive predictions of the future.

What does a pendulum board do?

A pendulum board, also known as a divination board or dowsing board, is a tool used in conjunction with a pendulum for divination purposes.

The board typically features a series of symbols, numbers, or words arranged in a circular or linear pattern.

During a divination session, the user holds the pendulum over the board while asking questions or seeking guidance. The pendulum's movements, such as swinging or rotating, are interpreted based on the symbols or words it aligns with on the board.

Pendulum boards can aid in accessing intuition, gaining insights, and receiving guidance on various aspects of life, including relationships, career, and personal growth. By combining the use of a pendulum with a board, practitioners can enhance their divination practice and deepen their understanding of the messages received.

How can I learn more?

For more information check out our individual pendulum product pages, view our Guides & Articles section, or feel free to contact us below!